Thursday 25 October 2012

white glove on my left hand

Wearing a white glove on my left hand, armed with a marker and a grease pencil I started to write on the reel. A 1/1-1 at Start E 1/1-1  at the End, marking the clap with a framed X. Well of course there's more to it but Those were my first steps into film-editing, as in film film, the stuff "dreams are made of" sliding through my fingers. It's been at least ten years since I first sat in front of a Steenbeck editing Machine, but this time I got some instructions. Real instructions because this year all our projects at the HFF-Potsdam will be edited directly in 16mm without digitizing the footage. It's funny how tangible film can be, and how synching can be so dependent on something like the length of your audio role. You can't just have it work in the machine it has to have the right length in order to be sync.
Problems, or obstacles arise quickly in this world of old school editing, so patience is a must. A spiritual asset that I should order by airmail or I'll be banging my head against the table sooner than I think. Unless I remind myself of the privilege that it is to edit on something that will no longer exist. Just in the same manner that some people will never shoot onto it and much less project it directly into a movie theatre, Oh, yes I'll just keep reminding myself of that each and every time I feel that something isn't working like it should or would if I only would be sitting at my PC. 

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